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Elari brand specializes in the creation and development of innovative consumer electronics products. In 2018, the brand became number one in the category of wearable electronics (smart watches / children's watches-telephones) in Russia and in other countries, as well as the absolute sales leader on board Aeroflot. Elari products are represented in more than 20 countries of the world. The key products of Elari are the world's first Elari KidPhone 3G children's watch-phone, in which Alice lives from Yandex, as well as a line of watch-phones with the Elari FixiTime tracker; Elari NanoPods Sport wireless hi-fi headphones and other products for music lovers; Elari SmartWiFi mobile routers, providing high-speed Internet anywhere in the world, unique travel gadgets; super compact GSM "anti-smartphones" and much more. Elari sales channels are the largest distributors and retail chains of Russia, the CIS, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, leading e-commerce platforms (Amazon, Wildberries), international airlines. Elari offices are located in Hong Kong, Moscow and Riga.
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