Lensmaster Coupons, Promo Codes & Deals
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The largest network of optics salons “Lensmaster” has been operating in Russia since 1998 and is part of the international GRANDVISION GROUP. The first salon was opened in the very center of Moscow, on Nikolskaya Street 19/21, and this place has a special meaning: here was one of the oldest Moscow opticians - Optics No. 1. It was at Lensmaster on Nikolskaya that many employees began their careers. In 2016, a large update of the flagship salon took place, which symbolizes the company's traditions and professional commitment. The first salon was opened in the very center of Moscow, on Nikolskaya Street 19/21, and this place has a special meaning: here was one of the oldest Moscow opticians - “Optics No. 1”. It was at Lensmaster on Nikolskaya that many employees began their careers. In 2016, a large update of the flagship salon took place, which symbolizes the company's traditions and professional commitment. Already in 2007, 50 salons were opened, including regional ones, and the anniversary 100th salon appeared on December 31, 2015. In addition, more than 4,000 solaris stores and corners specializing in sun-protection optics are operating around the world.
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