Lineage 2 Essence Coupons, Promo Codes & Deals
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Signup For Lineage 2 Essence & Play For Free
Signup for lineage 2 essence and play for free, if already played lineage 2, but something went wrong? Try new servers, a great chance to start your story from scratch! you can choose from 6 familiar races or join the newcomers with guns — sylphs!
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Obtain First D-Grade Armor Set In Lineage 2 Essence
Obtain first d-grade armor set in lineage 2 essence reach the level 20 and the captain bathis will hand you d-grade armor set.
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Expired Lineage 2 Essence Coupons & Promo Codes
Following Lineage 2 Essence Coupons & Promo Codes have reach their expiry but may still work. If you find a working Lineage 2 Essence Coupon from the following please let us know to fix its expiry date.

Sylph's Gift
Sylph's gift, a gift to celebrate the update with a new race – sylphs! find the detailed information in the "product details" tab.
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